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Jin Hong Kim, Rev.
(김진홍 목사님)

Chairman (이사장님)

I started ministry in 1971 and it's been 53 years this year
I've come to believe that education is the most important factor through ministry.
Hence, to define Dure Ministry in a word, it is called "Educational Ministry."
Dure International Creative School is the school that aims to achieve its best with the conclusion of the ministry that has been practiced
Dure International Creative School will do the best to establish a prestigious Christian International School from 2023 based on its experience. To do so, I would like to focus on the following four educations:

First, faith education
To cultivate the foundation of faith that students will keep for the rest of their lives
I will strive for my best to establish worship, Bible study, and Christian values

Second, strengthen your strength
I will focus on sports activities and emotional education to develop a healthy body and mind

Third, language education
I will strengthen English, German and Spanish education so that students can enter the international stage

Fourth, science and human resources education
In order to raise talented people with international competitiveness in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
  I will do my best in math and science education by building the Creative Science Museum.

Dure International Creative  School is an alternative school, so it helps students take the certification test, and in particular, for college admission, customized education is provided by dividing domestic and overseas admission Dure International Creative School has branch campuses in the United States, Germany, and Spain, so it also provides field training and education
Dear Dure family, please look forward to the education of Dure International Creative  School, which will start in 2023, and we ask for your prayers and support
Thank you.


Aemin Kim

Duputy Chairman of the Board

Cornell University

With God's guidance, Dure has started an educational institute with a clear goal; to promote the healthy growth of the Body, Spirit and Knowledge of God's image. Our school is continuously growing every moment to carry and harbor whoever knocks on our door. 

The education we aspire to is the education that enables you to bring out the best in yourself and stand upright. By providing you with knowledge, skill, and experience, our school will endeavor to bring out the best in you and inspire you to be better and more motivated. It is not easy to learn new things and express thoughts, but we can set out the vision and believe we can do anything with God, who enables us. Grit and courage is the central theme for Dure International Creative School's Junior High School. As we expressed the Bible verse Joshua 1:4, we know that every student has God's gift, and it is DICS's job to let them shine by teaching students to push further without giving up. 


Dure International Creative School

(11322) 411 Soemok-gil, Dongducheon-si, Gyeonggi-do (11, Gwangam-dong), South Korea  /  TEL. 031-865-8585   FAX. 031-865-8500

법인명 :재단법인 두레문화마을 

대표자: 김진홍

​사업자 등록번호: 890-82-00035

©2025 by Dure International Creative School. All Rights Reserved

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